
Mostrando entradas de 2011

Philip Kotler: Marketing 3.0, del cliente a la persona

Philip Kotler: Marketing 3.0, del cliente a la persona : 'via Blog this'

Infographic of the Day: How Color Affects Purchases | Designerscouch #thecritiquenetwork

Infographic of the Day: How Color Affects Purchases | Designerscouch #thecritiquenetwork

Joyeux anniversaire

Today was my birthday!! Now I'm officially 24 years old. I'm so happy thank God I have everything I had planned to have by this age :D So, I was feeling a little festive and I looked for the happy birthday in french, here it is http://youtu.be/tmoyEuqCMNA It's actually a bad video, but my internet isn't working and it's the only one I could find.

Lesson 1 basics

The first thing we should know are basic greetings. I found this great peb page http://www.bonjour.com/index.php?lesson=1 and there are the basic greetings and you can read it and pronounced them.

This week

I also join a social network desalinated for learning call "italki" It's like babbel but free!! :D It's so cool, I've been writing some letters in french and also in english I need to practice, and the receptors correct my grammar and I correct them in their spanish!! Great tool for practice. This week I download "L'histoire d'Aladdin" from http://www.litteratureaudio.com/ and Download it to my blackberry and I've been listening to it, It's also great, my french teacher congratulate me saying that I have gone al lot better yeih!

First Steps…Premières étapes

Before anything, learn as much as you can about the language. In this case, it's easier to have a gramatical idea of french starting from spanish, because both are romantic languages What I first did was hearing some music, my favorite site is www.deezer.com totally free and they have great artist. If you have an iPhone or iPod you can download the app. Someone stole my iPod 3 weeks ago :( If you don't have an iPod and have a Blackberry I found an app call "radio france" it also works. What I'm doing is finding good artist in deezer and then download the music from youtube, I use this adress http://www.video2mp3.net/ so It's pretty cool, you can download the music to your mp3 player. I also found some audiobooks in http://www.litteratureaudio.com/ I started with children books. And of course to all the TV addicts the best you can do is find some movies in french (Still looking for) for me it's a better choice to rent them. That's all for this night,

I'm back

Hello everybody I'm back, I just defend my thesis project and I got a 9.8 :D yeih!! So now It's time for the next step in my life, have 4 languages before I'm 25…and I'm turning 24 this sunday so It makes it a little bit more interesting. Spanish…birth language check English…I need to write more…a lot more French… Learning as much as I can Italian…Not yet. So, I just sign in for an Au Pair program, Cultural interchange, and this is the next step in my life. So I'll be changing the view of my blog…again, but this time I'll be saving the old archives. Basically I'l be posting everything I'm learning in french and of course always everything interesting about marketing world. So…Let's start

An anthropological introduction to YouTube


Si atropellas a alguien, ¿Qué hacer?

Se que tengo tiempo de no escribir. Lo que sucede es que estoy trabajando en mi proyecto de tesis para graduarme de Licenciada en Comunicaciones Integradas de Marketing y estoy trabajando otro blog alterno -http://aquabug.blogspot.com- Tratando de llamar la atención de las niñas entre 8 y 12 años, no he tenido éxito en esto. Pero pueden seguir las publicaciones que vamos haciendo. Acabo de recibir este correo y creo que es muy útil, Si ATROPELLAS a alguien, ¿qué hacer? Escrito por abogado especialista en accidentes de tránsito. Muy importante saber esto: Si uno atropella a un peatón y éste muere, hay que esperar a que el Agente de tránsito llegue a levantar el croquis; pero a veces dichos croquis son modificados para inculparnos más. Si usted cree que el croquis no corresponde con la escena original,aunque le parezca extraño, ¡NO SE NIEGUE A FIRMARLO! pues ante su negativa, un testigo (por lo general miembro de la familia)firma el croquis, que no se podrá cambiar después. Lo correcto e...

¿Cómo usar Social Media?